Team Skylum


About the Author

Our team of passionate photography enthusiasts at Skylum has been committed to assisting you in discovering the world through your lens for over a decade. We're dedicated to providing photographers like you with easy-to-use tools and valuable resources to help you capture your vision and produce beautiful photos. Our articles are filled with friendly tips, industry insights, and inspiring stories from other creative individuals in photography. Together, we can help you grow your photography skills to new heights. Join us on this exciting journey of exploration, creativity, and growth.

Author's publications:

Natural Looking HDR Images

March 14 2016

Natural Looking HDR Images

Learn how to take realistic and true-to-life HDR photos to preserve the maximum detail of the subject in the picture.

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Lesson 7: B&W HDR Photos

March 14 2016

Lesson 7: B&W HDR Photos

In this lesson you'll read how to take an image you’ve created in Aurora HDR 2017 and push its details beyond a believable range.

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Creative Assignment

March 11 2016

Creative Assignment

Show us your HDR skills
Win iTunes Gift Card
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Terms & Conditions

March 10 2016

Terms & Conditions

Aurora HDR giveaway, celebrating
250 000 downloads
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March 10 2016

Rock the CosPlay World with the power of Aurora HDR

A ReedPOP photographer will tell you how to capture the spirit of CosPlay characters.

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Your Secret Weapon<br>Layers & Masking

March 08 2016

Your Secret Weapon Layers & Masking

Make better HDR photos with layers & masking in Aurora HDR. We'll show you how.

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Articles by Team Skylum: Read Articles on Photography Right Now (89)(11)