Team Skylum


About the Author

Our team of passionate photography enthusiasts at Skylum has been committed to assisting you in discovering the world through your lens for over a decade. We're dedicated to providing photographers like you with easy-to-use tools and valuable resources to help you capture your vision and produce beautiful photos. Our articles are filled with friendly tips, industry insights, and inspiring stories from other creative individuals in photography. Together, we can help you grow your photography skills to new heights. Join us on this exciting journey of exploration, creativity, and growth.

Author's publications:

HDR: Lightroom 3

May 04 2016

HDR: Lightroom 3

We'll teach you how to make up great high dynamic range photos on your Mac.

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Fake HDR Photography

May 04 2016

Fake HDR Photography

You can turn any of your photos into an HDR image with the help of Aurora HDR Pro.

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 Easy HDR Alternative

May 04 2016

Easy HDR Alternative

Shooting brackets and then merging them into one HDR image has never been so easy and fun!

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 Photomatix Pro Alternative

May 04 2016

Photomatix Pro Alternative

Enjoy working with pro software to create best HDR photos that you can easily stand out with.

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 Oloneo HDR Alternative

May 04 2016

Oloneo HDR Alternative

Take your camera and start shooting everything and everywhere. You'll be pleasantly surprised with how Aurora makes your photos amazing.

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 Machinery HDR Alternative

May 04 2016

Machinery HDR Alternative

Pro software can easily turn even the worst photo into a beautiful and amazing picture. Check it out!

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Articles by Team Skylum: Read Articles on Photography Right Now (78)(10)