Robert Vanelli

Photographer, Educator and Author

About the Author

Vanelli is a working sports and portrait photographer, educator, and author living in Florida. After a successful career as a three-time, Triple Crown Karate champion, Vanelli turned his attention to teaching the visual arts. As an experienced educator, Vanelli has created videos for LinkedIn Learn, has written hundreds of articles, taught at major photography conferences and has developed many photography and digital workflow programs including Click for Kids. Currently, he is the Director of Education at Skylum Software, teaching workshops, writing for Photofocus and creating tutorials for the Vanelli and Friends series.

Author's publications:

January 03 2018

Creative Image Makeover Using LUTs #2

Here is the image that Robert Vanelli selected and the image makeover.

Learn More
Articles by Robert Vanelli: Read Articles on Photography Right Now (2)(10)