Alex Tsepko

CEO of Skylum

About the Author

Alex is the CEO of Skylum, a passionate photographer, an AI fanboy, a family man, and a LEGO builder. Alex learns from everyday life and gets inspiration from people he meets while traveling the globe. Together with 130 incredibly talented humans, Alex is building Skylum — a next-generation global photography company for a new generation. And they’re having the time of their lives!

Author's publications:

Why You Should Learn From  The Major Players In Your Industry

July 06 2018

Why You Should Learn From  The Major Players In Your Industry

Here’s a general rule of thumb: industry leaders — no matter what industry they’re in — reached their high status for a reason. In climbing to prominence, they did at least a few things right.

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5 Things To Consider Before Taking Your Family On Your Business Trips

June 27 2018

5 Things To Consider Before Taking Your Family On Your Business Trips

Balancing the demands of running a business and raising a family can be burdensome. And if the demands of your job entail traveling often, then that balance becomes even harder.

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Talk More About The Future Than The Present. Here’s Why

June 24 2018

Talk More About The Future Than The Present. Here’s Why

The future can be talked into existence.

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Why You Should Take At Least 1 Photo Every Day

June 21 2018

Why You Should Take At Least 1 Photo Every Day

When Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone, he sparked a digital revolution.

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Why Traveling To A Different Country Will Make You A Better Leader

June 12 2018

Why Traveling To A Different Country Will Make You A Better Leader

Traveling, at its core, is a means of education.

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AI Will Change The Photography Landscape. Here’s How

June 06 2018

AI Will Change The Photography Landscape. Here’s How

Artificial intelligence is everywhere. It’s already changing the way we interact with the world. It’s changing the way we travel, the way we talk — but it’s also changing the way we capture moments in time.

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Articles by Alex Tsepko: Read Articles on Photography Right Now (3)(10)