Alex Tsepko

CEO of Skylum

About the Author

Alex is the CEO of Skylum, a passionate photographer, an AI fanboy, a family man, and a LEGO builder. Alex learns from everyday life and gets inspiration from people he meets while traveling the globe. Together with 130 incredibly talented humans, Alex is building Skylum — a next-generation global photography company for a new generation. And they’re having the time of their lives!

Author's publications:

Time is Not Always Money

November 26 2020

Time is Not Always Money

Alex Tsepko, CEO, discusses why giving creators more time, away from gadgets and screens, is one of Skylum’s highest aspirations for Luminar AI.

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We’re making a difference. Together.

May 26 2020

We’re making a difference. Together.

Your support is changing our world. Literally. Take a look at just how much you’ve helped during the month of April.

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On Privacy Policy at Skylum

February 10 2020

On Privacy Policy at Skylum

We want to explain how Luminar 4 collects data, how it is used, and what you as a user can do if you do not approve of this use.

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A Year in Review (Kind of…)

December 23 2019

A Year in Review (Kind of…)

This year, the question I was most commonly asked was Will Artificial Intelligence replace creativity?

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Why embracing constant change in my company is crucial to its success

April 12 2019

Why embracing constant change in my company is crucial to its success

Many founders today are fundamentally averse to risk. It makes sense. Part of managing a company is assuming responsibility for the livelihood of a lot of people. Attempts at semi-radical innovation or at adopting unproven internal strategies increase your risk for creating negative outcomes, losing customers, or purging profit. It’s natural to opt for the tried and true.

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What's New?

February 01 2019

What's New?

Thousands of people launch Luminar every day to make great photos. Imagine them seeing an image you’ve made on the Luminar welcome screen.

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Articles by Alex Tsepko: Read Articles on Photography Right Now(10)